Each year, we send out over a hundred holiday cards to friends and family all over the world. But getting our contacts from Gmail into Microsoft Word to create address labels is a real pain-in-the-ass. So I wrote this little script to replace free markers in a template Word document with contacts from a Gmail contacts CSV. Just place the markers ${0} through ${4} into a .docx document where you want the names and address to go (4 minutes), export your contacts as a Google CSV (1 minute), and this script will do the rest (1 second). It will create as many copies of the template document as needed to make labels for everyone!


use strict;
use File::Slurp;
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES );

my ($csv_input, $docx_input) = @ARGV;

unless ($csv_input =~ /\.csv$/ and $docx_input =~ /\.docx$/) {
    die "Usage: labels <.csv file> <.docx file>\n";

# Read the entire Google CSV
my $csv = read_file($csv_input);

# Extract the Word document XML
my $template_file = Archive::Zip->new();
unless ($template_file->read( $docx_input ) == AZ_OK) { 
    die "Couldn't read $docx_input"; 
unless ($template_file->extractMemberWithoutPaths(
    "word/document.xml", "/tmp/template.xml") == AZ_OK) 
    die "Couldn't extract word/document.xml";
my $template_xml = read_file('/tmp/template.xml');

# Make sure we have markers to work with
unless ($template_xml =~ /\$\{0\}/) { 
    die "I think you forgot to add markers to the template"; 

# Clean out the weird characters that come with a Google CSV
$csv =~ s/[^\w\s\d,"\.\@\-]//g;

# Escape and unquote any quoted fields
$csv =~ s/"([^"]+)"/escape($1)/ge;

my %headers;
my @addresses;
my @lines = split /\r\n/, $csv;

# Compile a list of formatted addresses
foreach (@lines) {
    my @fields = split /,/, $_;
    if (keys %headers) {

        # Name and address
        my $name = $fields[$headers{'Name'}];
        my $address = $fields[$headers{'Address 1 - Formatted'}];
        push @addresses, unescape("$name\r\n$address");
    else {

        # Read the CSV headers
        my $i = -1;
        %headers = map { $i++; $_ => $i } @fields;

my $i = 0;
my $current_xml = $template_xml;
foreach (@addresses) {
    if ($current_xml =~ /\$\{0\}/) {
        # We have remaining space

        # Replace markers ${0} through ${4} with address lines
        my @address_lines = split /\r\n/, $_;
        print "Reading address for $address_lines[0]\n";
        $current_xml =~ s/\$\{0\}/$address_lines[0]/;
        $current_xml =~ s/\$\{1\}/$address_lines[1]/;
        $current_xml =~ s/\$\{2\}/$address_lines[2]/;
        $current_xml =~ s/\$\{3\}/$address_lines[3]/;
        $current_xml =~ s/\$\{4\}/$address_lines[4]/;
    else {

        # Current document is full
        $current_xml = $template_xml;

sub build_document {
    # Discard remaining unused markers and save document XML
    $current_xml =~ s/\$\{\d\}//g;
    write_file("/tmp/template-$i.xml", $current_xml);

    # Create a new .docx file
    $docx_input =~ /^(.+)(\.[^.]+)$/;
    my $filename = "$1-$i$2";
    `cp $docx_input $filename`;

    print "Writing $filename\n";

    # Insert document XML into the new .docx file 
    my $new_doc = Archive::Zip->new();
    unless ($new_doc->read( $filename ) == AZ_OK) { 
        die "Couldn't read $filename"; 
    $new_doc->addFile("/tmp/template-$i.xml", "word/document.xml");
    unless ($new_doc->overwrite() == AZ_OK) { 
        die "Couldn't save $filename"; 

sub escape {
    my ($value) = @_;   
    $value =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
    $value =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
    $value =~ s/,/\\_/g;
    return $value;

sub unescape {
    my ($value) = @_;
    $value =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
    $value =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
    $value =~ s/\\_/,/g;
    return $value;